Take Action Apply Now!Please give as much detail as possible & we will be in touch with you for an assessment Name * First Name Last Name Date of Birth * Email * Phone Number * Address Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Which service are you applying for Adult day services (age 18+) SEN activities (age 4-24) What area of country is the enquiry from? * South East Midlands Other Outreach Projects Activities that Interest you Environmental Projects Tree Planting Lake/River Clearance Gorilla Gardening Beach Combing Bio Diversity planting Rambling/Nature Walks Cycling/Mountain Biking Water Sports Any Medical need? Details of any Disability & how to support you Transport Can you travel independently Require Transport Walk Independently Public Transport using Buses Public Transport using Trains Funding Do you receive funding? Direct Payments/Personal budget Local Authority Privately funded None Other Any other comments How did you hear about us? * Thank you!We will be in contact soon